Even though we hail from Guntur, India, we migrated to the U.S.A. back in 1983 and spent 27 years in that country. We pursued our respective careers in Dallas, Texas until 2010, while also raising our two daughters there.

During that time, we were blessed to be members of Sri Satya Sai Baba Center Of Dallas for over 25 years. In that organization, we were given wonderful opportunities to serve.  Vijaya dedicated her time to teaching children's classes in human values, while Ram was occupied in the areas of books, food and finance.  As such, we were introduced to the idea of seva there and were provided a chance to participate in various other projects such as feeding the poor, serving the elderly, providing free medical care to the sick and many more.  We are deeply grateful to Bhagawan Sri Satya Sai Baba and His exemplary organization for sowing the seed of service in our minds and hearts and making it grow abundantly over the years.
We are also indebted to our Guruji, Sri Sri Sri Viswayogi Viswamji of Guntur, for inspiring us to stay on this path of service, even in our later years.
Even though we were away from India for so long, we always loved our motherland dearly and cherished a dream of returning to it at some point in our lives.  read more...

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